Case Study CAMPUS

CAMPUS is a responsive web app designed to connect students online to facilitate peer-to-peer learning, support, feedback, and motivation.

the Challenge

In times of the pandemic, how can students study together and keep up their enthusiasm?

  • A key component of learning is enthusiasm. Peer-to-peer learning can increase motivation and engagement with a subject.
  • Students need to connect with others in their field to discuss topics, share insights, receive peer feedback on assignments
    and even find others willing to collaborate on projects

The Approach


Briefing and objectives


Persona and user flows


Wireframes and style guide


Mockups and prototype

1. Understand

The Objective

Connect students online to facilitate peer-to-peer learning, support, feedback and  motivation.

  • WHO?
    Students who’d like to connect with fellow students in their field or related discipline
  • WHAT?
    A responsive web app that allows students to connect, share, and discuss their interests, insights, and tasks with regards to their studies, on any device.
  • WHY
    To enhance the learning experience of students by connecting them with peers who share similar interests.
    From home students in the same or similar course can help each other with tasks and assignments, and share resources and articles.

2. Ideate

User Persona

User Flows

  • As a new user, I want to create a profile, so that other students can find me
  • As a new user, I want to find and connect with students studying my subject
  • As a frequent user, I want to be able to message other students, so that we can problem-solve together

Example for user flow for „login:“

3. Design

Evolution of Wireframes

Based on the three main user flows, low fidelity wireframes were created in Balsamiq and mid-fidelity and high-fidelity in Figma. Here examples for the three responsive breakpoints: landing page, start page and profile.


Breakpoints were defined for the landing page, start page and the profile page. With a margin of 32 and gutters of 20px. Columns? Mobile: 4, tablet: 8, desktop 12.

4. Present


Headlines and buttons usually use the friendly and modern non-serif Nunito. To avoid a look thats too cartoonish (remeber, one of our brand values is “reassuring”), we use the more squarish and serius Sora for body copy.

Brand Colors

Orange (accent) gives the app a lively energetic feel, while greys (and white) keep the rest of the palette neutral. The varying shades of grey help increase contrast which results in improved readability. The brand values friendly and welcoming are front and center in this color palette.

Icons & UI Elements

Icons come in two strokes: 1.5. (primary) and 1.0 (secondary). Seconday icons are only used on tiles. All icons are 24×24 px. Avatars are always round, have an orange stroke and are always placed on tiles. Tiles never have rounded cornes, strokes or shadows and are either grey (accent color) with 30 percent saturation, or white.


Illustrations* are used instead of images to bring fun and life to the CAMPUS web app. Illustrations always consits of black strokes on a orange blob (primary color) with 40% saturation. The following examples will give you an impression of the look and feel of our illustrations and their application. 

Final Mockups

*Illustrations from Figma community